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Privacy Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to inform users of the nexelem.com website (Website) (Users), about the scope, purposes, and use of the Users’ personal data, as well as about the Users’ rights. The Users’ personal data are processed each time on the basis of the applicable legislation, in particular in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation(RODO).

Who is the Data Controller?

The administrator of the personal data is Virtus Lab Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Rzeszów (35-211), 23 Zofii Nałkowskiej St., KRS: 0000349785, NIP: 5170312965, REGON: 180526627 (Administrator). Contact address: [email protected] or via the contact form. Users whose personal data are processed may also contact the Administrator in any other way they choose.

Purpose and legal basis for processing personal data:

  • contact via the contact form, via email or via Live Chat, application to attend a Nexelem product presentation:
    personal data may be processed, at the request of the User, in order to take action prior to the conclusion of the contract, in connection with the performance of the contract (legal basis: Article 6(1)(b) RODO), in order to answer questions (legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) RODO), and, with the User’s consent, for marketing purposes, concerning services offered by Virtus Lab Sp. z o.o., in particular Nexelem products (legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) RODO). The Administrator’s legitimate interest is to communicate with the person requesting a response from the Administrator. The provision of personal data by the User is voluntary but necessary in order to receive a response from the Administrator and, in the event that the User provides personal data prior to the conclusion of a contract, or in connection with the performance of a contract, it may also be a contractual requirement, or a condition for the conclusion of a contract.
  • processing of data in Cookies:
    Personal data may be processed in connection with the use of the functionalities of the Website and Live Chat. The Administrator processes personal data in Cookies with the User’s consent (Legal basis: Article 6(1)(a) RODO). In most cases, the use of Cookies does not require the processing of personal data. The rules on the use of Cookies are described in detail below.
  • other purposes:
    personal data may be processed in connection with the investigation or defence of claims, the prevention of fraud, as well as for the purposes of statistics and analysis, the security of the IT environment and the application of internal control systems (legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) RODO).

The administrator accesses the content of the page viewed on the Nexelem application tabs. It has access to personal data strictly related to the sending of messages, such as: e-mail address and name of the contact person for the contractor from the Nexelem application, e-mail address and name of the logged-in User, attachments from the Nexelem application. The data are not fixed in any form by the extension, they are only used to open the draft version of the email in the client installed on the User’s local computer. Data collection and transmission events are triggered by the User’s action in the Nexelem application.

Recipients of personal data:

Recipients of personal data may be entities providing the Administrator with services such as financial settlements, legal, accounting, consulting, auditing, marketing (HubSpot), archiving, IT, postal, courier services, as well as entities to whom the Administrator makes personal data available, in accordance with applicable laws, and entities from the Virtus Lab group. Users’ data will not be made available to other entities, unless it proves necessary, and the User gives his/her consent, or the obligation to make the data available results from mandatory provisions of law, a final court decision or a final decision of a competent authority. The Administrator does not transfer personal data to third countries, outside the EEA (in particular outside the European Union), unless it proves necessary and the User gives his/her consent or an obligation to do so, or the possibility of making the data available results from binding legal provisions, a final court decision or a final decision of a competent authority. Personal data may occasionally be transferred to the U.S.A. in connection with the use of HubSpot’s Live Chat tool. Hub Spot may not use this information except as necessary to provide and improve the subscription service. The detailed rules and standards for the processing of personal data by HubSpot are described at: https://legal.hubspot.com/product-privacy-policy.

Is the data on the Service subject to profiling?

Data on the Website is not subject to profiling. In the event that, in connection with the development of the Website, personal data were to be subject to profiling, the Administrator will inform the Users of this, and profiling will take place in accordance with the relevant regulations in this regard. In the event of profiling, the Administrator will implement appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the Users, including the possibility of human intervention on the part of the Administrator, as well as the possibility to express one’s own position and challenge the decision.

How can changes be made to personal data?

You have the right of access to the content of your personal data and the right to rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, portability, as well as the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. The User also has the right to object to the processing of personal data. For this purpose, the User may contact the Administrator at the e-mail address: [email protected] or via the contact form. The User may also contact the Administrator by any other means of his/her choice, including verbally or in writing.

How does the Administrator secure personal data?

The Administrator protects Users’ data from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction through data encryption, physical security measures and verification in IT systems. The Administrator also uses anti-virus software and firewalls. Only authorised persons, obliged to maintain confidentiality, as well as subcontractors who have concluded personal data processing entrustment agreements with the Administrator, have access to the Users’ data.

For what period is personal data processed?

Personal data will only be processed for the period necessary to provide the User with a response and, in the case of pre-contractual actions, or in connection with the performance of a contract, for the period necessary for the performance of those purposes. Personal data processed on the basis of consent will be processed for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which consent was given, or until consent is withdrawn. The User’s personal data may also be processed after the indicated periods until the expiry of the limitation periods for possible claims. Some data may also be processed for as long as is possible or required under applicable law. After the expiry of the processing period, the personal data are either permanently deleted or anonymised.

Other User Rights:

The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Authority if he/she considers that the processing of personal data concerning him/her violates mandatory legal provisions.

The Administrator uses cookies in order to:

  • recognise the User’s device and display the Website appropriately, tailored to the User’s needs;
  • optimise and increase the efficiency of the functionality of the Website, by creating anonymous statistics that help us understand how Users use the Website;
  • to provide the functionality of the Live Chat HubSpot.

The administrator uses the following cookies:

  • Session cookies – files stored in the memory of your browser until you close it, necessary for the functionalities of the Website to work correctly;
  • Permanent cookies – files stored in the memory of a web browser for a specific period of time. They ensure, among other things, correct navigation and layout of the Website content. The period for which these files are stored depends on the choice that the User can make in the settings of his/her Internet browser. This type of Cookies allows information to be transmitted to the Website each time the Website is visited by the User;
  • Analytical cookies – files stored in the memory of your web browser for the purpose of statistical analysis of traffic on the Website. The analytics service is provided by Google Inc., as part of Google Analytics, and Hotjar Ltd. The information obtained using this tool is not shared with entities other than Google/Hotjar and is only used to report on the User’s interaction on the Website;
  • Marketing cookies- files stored in the browser’s memory in order to adapt the advertising content to the User’s behaviour on the Website. The advertising service is provided by Google, Inc. as part of Google Ads. Any information obtained in this way may be shared with advertisers and partners working with the Administrator.
  • HubSpot cookies – files stored in your browser’s memory in connection with the use of HubSpot’s Live Chat functionality. The Live Chat service is provided by HubSpot Inc. HubSpot Cookies are used to recognise visitors who contact the Service via this tool. If the visitor leaves the Service, the Cookies are associated with the web browser. If the visitor returns to the Service in the same web browser, Live Chat loads the conversation history. Detailed information on HubSpot Cookies is available at: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/reports/what-cookies-does-hubspot-set-in-a-visitor-s-browser

Your web browser may allow cookies to be stored by default. You can at any time determine the conditions for storing and accessing data stored in cookies via your browser settings. Cookies may be blocked, the ability to store cookies may be restricted (e.g. by informing you each time you install cookies) or access to cookies may be restricted, whereby blocking or restricting cookies may prevent you from using the Website or Live Chat on your device. Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of handling Cookies is available in the settings of your web browsers. You can obtain more information on how to manage Cookies within the functionality of your browser.

This Policy and any amendments to it are effective from the time they are published on the Service.

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