EU co-funded Project
VIRTUS LAB Limited Liability Company
implements a project co-financed by the European Funds from the Operational Program Smart Development 2014-2020, Action 1.1. R&D projects of enterprises, Sub-measure 1.1.1 – Industrial research and development works carried out by enterprises, Financing Agreement No. POIR.
entitled “Development of a graphical model of production-logistics processes and holistic methods for supply chain optimization for companies in the flexographic industry.”
Project objective: The aim of the project is to develop a product innovation in the form of a system for optimizing production-logistics processes in companies in the flexographic industry, which will enable comprehensive solutions to planning problems related to production and internal supply chain (raw material orders, internal transport, production). The product will be available in the form of software enabling integration through API with any system implemented in the enterprise.
Planned effects: The result of the project will be a product innovation in the form of a system for optimizing production-logistics processes in companies in the flexographic industry, which will allow for comprehensive solutions to planning problems related to elements of the supply chain. The functionalities of the system from the perspective of target users will contribute to:
- increasing sales revenue by reducing the time needed to complete a single order
- optimizing the supply chain by ordering raw materials/materials based on production plans created based on actual demand, ensuring timely availability of raw materials, semi-finished products, and products, minimizing inventory levels
- shortening order fulfillment time by dynamically managing the production schedule based on changing demand and monitoring work progress based on real data
Implementation date: 01.12.2021 – 30.11.2023
Project value: 6 401 684,00 PLN
Kwota dofinansowania: 3 999 490,00 PLN